Welcome to Lincoln Public Schools

Interim Superintendent
John Skretta, Ed.D.
I would like to personally welcome you to one of the premier school districts in the Midwest: Lincoln Public Schools.
Renowned for its long-standing legacy of educational excellence, Lincoln Public Schools is the second largest public school district in the state of Nebraska: a dramatically growing school district that offers a unique combination of rigorous academic standards and achievement, and family-friendly surroundings.
The intent of our website is to provide parents, students, staff and community members – as well as all Web site visitors – with a wide variety of up-to-date and useful information about our school district’s programs, news, numbers, standards and accomplishments.
You will find information about a wealth of opportunities here:
High school offerings that include an International Baccalaureate Program, school-to-career programs, an alternative classroom setting, and focus programs in science, arts and humanities, information technology and entrepreneurship.
All-day kindergarten, an English Language Learner program, instructional technology, special education services and an academic program for gifted students.
A strong academic focus on reading, writing, math, science and social studies, along with classes in fine and visual arts, foreign language and business, plus many after-school athletics and activities.
Please take time to explore our website. Bookmark it. Give us advice on how to make it better.
I am proud of the success we have achieved at Lincoln Public Schools and I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the lives of our students. I am honored to serve our schools. I believe a strong school district is essential to a healthy community, and that the foundation of our public schools is based upon our school district and community working together for the success of our students.
I invite your participation in Lincoln Public Schools and encourage you to contact me with your ideas, your suggestions and your concerns. I welcome your involvement as we work to provide a quality education for all Lincoln students. Thank you for your continued support.