= Special Education Courses


Course ID: 07201; Credit: 5.000; Weighted: y;
Recommended for grades: 11–12

Accounting Differentiated 1 is a one-semester, weighted course designed to provide knowledge of accounting principles, concepts, and practices. Accounting is required in post-secondary programs for business majors and recommended for other fields. Content includes financial statement preparation and analysis, payroll systems, cost accounting, internal reporting and forms of ownership. Financial information is classified, controlled, analyzed, and interpreted for management purposes. Students will apply skills learned through engaging, real-world scenarios. Students may have the opportunity to receive dual credit for this course which may be transferable to other postsecondary institutions. Please check with the high school counseling center for more information. This course meets CTE or general elective graduation requirements.


Courses listed have been approved for college credit. Courses may or may not be available at each school for college credit. Please check with the school for more information.