duProtocols are lesson frames created by Jon Corippo and Marlena Hebern, which can be utilized with any grade level or curriculum area. By adopting frameworks that engage students, teachers teach better, work less, and achieve more. In this session, you will get hands-on experience with lesson frame examples and the EdTech tools that can be used with them. Participants will receive a Google Slide deck with examples and suggestions that they can use right away and a few lucky members will leave with a copy of the book!
Christina Nuñez has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a Master's Degree in Elementary Education. She has worked at Albuquerque Public Schools for 15 years as a teacher and as well as serving in various leadership roles throughout that time. She is currently a member of the APS Educational Technology Department serving as a Technology Resource Teacher, providing educator training for both Apple, Google and other digital tools. She is a Google Certified Educator Level 1 and 2 as well as a Google Certified Trainer and Coach as well as an ISTE Certified educator. She is a member of ISTE (international society for Technology in Education), a secretary of NMSTE, a panelist and presenter for NM ECHO in Education, a share captain of NMGEG and a member of NMASCD. She has previously presented at ISTE, FETC and NMDLC.