Great Plains Summit: July 16th to 17th, 2020
2022 Great Plains Summit

Discover The Creative Teacher In You With Digital Lesson Design

Session Description

Are you looking to re-energize that spark of creativity that brings you the energy to teach? Join in to see how digital lesson design can spark joy and bring out your creative side while inspiring the same in your students. This interactive session will be full of examples, digital lessons, and support for how to bring this energy to your new school year.

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Session Presenter

Lisa Highfill
Technology Integration Specialist
Pleasonton Unified School District

Lisa Highfill describes herself as a thinker, philosopher, debater, and geek. She has worked in Pleasanton Unified School District in the San Francisco Bay Area for over twenty eight years, and is currently the district’s technology integration specialist working in the new virtual academy. Lisa is the co-creator and co-author of The HyperDoc Handbook and Teachers Give Teachers.