Rising above challenges: Bryan principal inspired by students

Denise Craig has a knack for seeing the best in people and helping them overcome adversity. 

“I never set out to be an administrator or principal. Others encouraged me and the universe kind of took me here,” Craig said. 

In her third year as principal at the Bryan Community Focus Program, Craig said she developed a taste for education while in college volunteering at a YWCA after-school program for youth from trauma backgrounds. 

Craig added, “I learned that young people are not a project, not things to be ‘saved’. Educators just have a chance to guide and support young folks for a short time, and the relationship is good for both of us, and we can learn from one another.”

Craig has worked in education since 2005, starting her career at Scott Middle School. Before being named principal at Bryan, she served as the instructional coordinator for four years. Craig has also worked at Lincoln High School, and North Star when it had a middle school.

“I enjoy working with all students, but at Bryan, students and their families are genuine and fun,” Craig said. “They are also an inspiration. Bryan students face life obstacles every day and find a way to also learn and grow in life and show kindness and do school in spite of challenges.” 

Bryan Community Focus Program is an alternative high school program that combines high behavioral and academic expectations with innovative teaching designed to help students meet Lincoln Public Schools' high school diploma requirements. Craig describes her leadership philosophy as collaborative - emphasizing always learning, reflecting and growing to ensure equity. 

“Balancing high expectations with empathy and grace is a daily challenge, but it's crucial that we do the work every day,” she said.

Craig said the difference she and her staff make in the students' lives at Bryan brings her back each year. One of the greatest joys is seeing her scholars reach the finish line to graduation.

“There's nothing like a Bryan graduation. The cheers in that place from the families are huge. We all know what students and families have overcome to get to that night, and then we get to watch that person walk across the stage. It's amazing,” Craig said. 

Take a look at some highlights from Bryan’s 2022 graduation here

Published: February 2, 2023, Updated: February 2, 2023

Bryan Principal Denise Craig interacts with a scholar as she works on an assignment.