National School Counseling Week 2023

The week of February 6-10 is National School Counseling Week, a week dedicated to highlighting and celebrating the impact school counselors have on student success.

At Lincoln Public Schools, we're fortunate to have a team of approximately 115 school counselors who work at both the district and building level to help students achieve success, and plan for their future. We did a Q&A with a few of them to learn more about them, their careers, and their "why" that serves as the motivation for all they do for students. 

Jessica Wehner, Kooser Elementary

Where did you attend college?
UNL and Doane University 

What made you want to become a school counselor?
I became a school counselor to support students and advocate for them!  I want to empower ALL students to be the best they can be and support them as they grow.  I cherish all of the relationships I build with students and know that they have impacted my life for the better. I wouldn't want to do anything else!

What is your favorite thing about your job - what is your "why"?
I love working with all students and advocating for their needs.  I get to work with so many students, get to know them, care about them and be a person at school they can trust!  I believe that every student can learn and succeed.  I want to be there along for the ride!  I love the connections and relationships I have with students and teachers.  I feel needed and appreciated!

Why is it important for students to have access to a counselor at school?
Every student deserves access to a school counseling program.  A school counselor is able to enhance academic, career and social/emotional outcomes for ALL students.  A school counselor is another positive adult at school to advocate for them, believe in them and provide support! 

Amber Cownie, Scott Middle School

Where did you attend college?
Bachelor's in Middle Level Education - UNL; Master's in Curriculum & Instruction- Doane; Master's in School Counseling- Doane

What made you want to become a school counselor?
When I was a math teacher, my favorite part was when I finished a lesson early and had the opportunity to just sit down with students to see how THEY were doing as a whole. How was their family? How were things going with friends? What about school? What are their dreams and goals? Now as a school counselor, this is my job! I get to focus on students' social and emotional needs, as well as work with them on academic development and goals for their future. I get to do this one-on-one, in group settings, and during classroom lessons. 

What is your favorite thing about your job - what is your "why"?
My favorite thing about my job is the relationships I get to form with students, family, and staff! I get to help students navigate the VERY challenging middle school years and try to be one of their biggest cheerleaders. I always want to provide hope to students and families and let students know that if they feel no one is in their corner, they can ALWAYS count on me. 

Why is it important for students to have access to a counselor at school?
Being successful at school is so much more than academics. Students need to have access to school counselors so they can also receive additional social and emotional support.  There have been numerous studies completed about what employers look for. Their top traits they look for are NOT test scores or how well a person did academically, but they look at the person's character. School counselors help foster and teach these character traits and essential life skills (i.e. resiliency, problem solving, self-regulation, etc.) so that students can not only have a successful educational experience, but can also find their dream career.

Charity Iromuanya, Lincoln Northeast High School

Where did you attend college?
State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany - Undergrad, UNL - Masters, Doane - Masters

What made you want to become a school counselor?
My first job out of college was working with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Nebraska College Preparatory Academy. I worked as a Senior Counselor at Omaha North High School. Through that job, I worked alongside some amazing School Counselors. I developed a deep admiration and respect for the work they did each and every day. I spent the next six years working with the Community Learning Centers, but I always knew - being a School Counselor is where my heart was at.

What is your favorite thing about your job - what is your "why"?
The students and the Lincoln Northeast school community are my "why". Each day is different and each student brings something special to the building. I am constantly growing professionally and personally - it's because of the students I interact with daily and the welcoming and encouraging school community that I am the person I am today.

Why is it important for students to have access to a counselor at school?
Every student deserves a safe place, a safe person, and an advocate. School Counselors provide those three things. In a student's best moments, we are there to cheer them on and celebrate along side them. In a student's hard moments, we are there to support them and sit beside them. Every student deserves that. Every student matters.

Niki Barnes, Lincoln High School - International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

Where did you attend college?
University of Nebraska-Lincoln – bachelor’s in Secondary English Education, Doane University – master’s in school counseling

What made you want to become a school counselor?
As a high school English teacher, I enjoyed opportunities to connect with students on an individual basis. I would often find myself in before or after-school conversations about college/career opportunities and social/emotional health. School counseling felt like a natural next step in my career as an educator.

What is your favorite thing about your job - what is your "why"?
I love helping students identify and develop their individual talents. I have a front row seat to the growth and development a student undergoes throughout four years of high school; nothing is more rewarding than watching a student recognize their own potential and take meaningful steps toward creating a future for themselves.  

I also love partnering with parents. I whole-heartedly subscribe to the “it takes a village” mentality when it comes to educating a student. I genuinely enjoy learning about my students through the eyes of their parents. So often, they offer helpful context and support. 

Example: In my role as school counselor for the LPS International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, I write a lot of letters of recommendation for students who are applying to colleges and for scholarships. It may be difficult for some to believe, but I genuinely enjoy taking the time (often outside of the school day) to write about the impressive accomplishments and tremendous potential that my students have. When they earn an acceptance letter, scholarship or other accolade, I enjoy celebrating with them.

Why is it important for students to have access to a counselor at school?
Lincoln High School mascot pun intended on this one: School counselors are “Links” – we are connecting forces who actively collaborate with all facets of a student’s education. We work with families, teachers, administrators, para-educators, various community partners, etc. in order to encircle students with the access and support they need to thrive and develop within the three ASCA domains: academic, career and social/emotional.

Lori Hemmett, LPS Supervisor for School Counselors and School Social Workers

Where did you attend college?
Master's in School Counseling from UNL

What made you want to become a school counselor?
I enjoy creating genuine connections and guiding students to information, resources and people that help them feel successful in all facets of their current lives.  

What is your favorite thing about your job - what is your "why"?
Engaging in meaningful conversations with students, families and stakeholders about how best to support student needs.  Students have a variety of backgrounds, goals, and needs and I love connecting and meeting them where they are to help them become the best they can be for now and the future.

Why is it important for students to have access to a counselor at school?
School counselors are master's level professional educators that work to support students with academic and career planning while providing social and emotional education and support.  School counselors are caring educators who have a unique lens focused on educating students about themselves, supporting their academic and social/emotional needs, and partnering with families and other professionals to help every student feel safe, supported and successful!  In a counselors strive to advocate for and teach all students how to "do life", prepare for their future, and develop into their best selves.

Published: February 6, 2023, Updated: February 6, 2023