Meet LPS Focus Program Scholar: Amalia, Science

February 9, 2024

Lincoln Public Schools Focus Programs are a customized high school experience rooted in connection and opportunities. 

LPS offers almost a dozen focus programs for our scholars, like Northwest High School first-year student Amalia, to choose their journeys. 

Ever since she was younger, she felt a connection to nature and animals. She also always had a natural curiosity and passion for exploration. 

Coming to Lincoln from a smaller town, Amalia is now finding a new community of learners and connecting her interests through the Science Focus Program at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo. The Science Focus Program is the school district’s first and oldest focus program with more than two decades of being in existence! 

Read more about Amalia’s Science experience in this Q&A as she is February’s featured Focus Program Scholar. 

Name: Amalia

Home High School: Northwest High School

Grade: 9

Focus Program: Science 

Why did you choose the Science Focus Program?

I have always loved science, especially botany and biology. Although I like art, I knew the Science Focus Program (SFP) was going to suit me better.

What do you like most about the Science Focus Program?

I love the close-knit community. It all sounds very cheesy but it truly is one of the best parts.

What makes the Science Focus Program different?

I really enjoy the independence in one's own learning. If you work hard, you will succeed.

How do you get to explore your passions or interests at the Science Focus Program? 

The research class really allows you to research whatever you want (within reason). 

How has attending the Science Focus Program empowered you as a student?

It really allowed me to open up a lot more socially and I believe it is very much preparing me for a higher level of education.

What are your relationships with other students and staff like at the Science Focus Program?

I have met people that I would consider my closest friends at SFP. The teachers and staff are amazing. They never fail to put a smile on my face.

How has the Science Focus Program prepared you for the future?

My teachers strive to give not only me information that will help me in college but also life skills that I will and do need.

Why are focus programs like the Science Focus Program important to high school students?

It allows for students to gain more experiences and opportunities, to research and involve their interests when it comes to their learning. 

What is the greatest thing you’ve learned since attending the Science Focus Program? 

Nobody knows everything, even teachers. Everyone is able to collaborate with each other in order to expand on each other's learning.

Choose your passion. Choose your community. Choose your future with LPS Focus Programs. 

Learn more about the Science Focus Program by visiting its website at

Don’t forget to also explore LPS Focus Programs by looking at upcoming events at

Published: February 9, 2024, Updated: February 9, 2024

Meet LPS Focus Program Scholar Amalia a first-year student in the Science Focus Program.