Meeting Notice: Lincoln Board of Education and ESU 18 Organization Special Meetings - May 20, 2024

The Lincoln Board of Education and Education Service Unit (ESU) 18 will hold special meetings on Monday, May 20, at 6:00 p.m. located in the Boardroom at Lincoln Public Schools District Office, 5905 O St. The purpose of these special meetings are for the annual organization which includes the election of officers and voting to affirm current policies and regulations. 

Members of the public and media may access the meetings via live video streaming or by physically attending the meetings, which are subject to all national, state and local limitations on public gatherings associated with COVID-19. 

There are multiple ways to view the livestream of the special meeting:

Overflow accommodations may need to be implemented to ensure the health and safety of all in attendance. 

The agenda for the meetings can be found on our website at

Published: May 20, 2024, Updated: May 20, 2024